Monday, April 30, 2007

Sugar and Spice

And Everything nice. That's what little girls are made of.


I love this picture of my now 5 year old little girl. She's cute and sassy. She's full of singing and laughter. She loves playing with her baby dolls and swinging as high as she can on her swing. She's beautiful inside and out. She's also human. She loves food and I'm afraid she's developing an unhealthy relationship with it.

For the last year or so, we've been dealing with her late night snacking. She wakes in the middle of the night, grabs her yellow Little Tikes chair, pushes it up to the counter and scarfs down whatever she can get her hands on. A hot dog bun. A slice of bread. I don't keep sweets in the house often, but when I do she'll wake in the middle of the night and eat entire packages of donuts or poptarts.

Last night, we had dinner with a friend and I brought the ingredients for strawberry shortcake. We had a package of the mini angel food cakes, so I brought them home and placed them on top of the refrigerator. This morning the empty package was on the dining table. She had eaten 4 of them on her own.

My husband thinks she does this because she won't eat her meals. She goes to bed hungry and then wakes in the middle of the night and eats what she can get her hands on. I think she's doing it because there's a problem we need to address. Whether it be unhealthy eating habits during the day, or the fact that I've been too restrictive on sweets at times. I just don't know, but I'm extremely concerned.

I'm praying that my quest to get healthy and fit will now be a better example to my children. The thought that I could have somehow unknowingly taught her these habits is causing my heart to physically ache.

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