Friday, October 24, 2008

Pumpkin Patch cupcakes

I told my son last week that I'd make cupcakes to bring to his class for his birthday. Since his birthday fell on fall break week, we brought them today. So he's flipping through one of my cupcake books the other day and says to me, "Mom, if the werewolf cupcakes were too hard to make you can always make these." (pointing to the picture of the pumpkin patch cupcakes in the book) "Really?" I say. Then he continues, "But if you think those will be too hard for you too, then you can just make them plain." Oh no, you didn't kid! Did you just challenge your mother? Yes, I think he did. So, I made pumpkin patch cupcakes.

Some of his classmates were disappointment because I only managed to have time to make a dozen pumpkins. I underestimated how much time it would take to make them. Some of his classmates had to deal with plain old orange cupcakes with sprinkles. No fun at all. But they seemed to gobble them up just as quickly.

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek


Chris said...

I bow to your greatness!
Those look delicious.

Anonymous said...

those are awesome cupcakes! But fancy or not I love them all. :)

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Wow good job!

Cecily R said...

Those are awesome! My kids don't even challenge me anymore. They know that all I can pull off are some cake mix cookies and MAYBE brownies from a box! :)